My Dad was a very talented guy and taught me many skills.
There was never anything that he wasn’t able to build, fix or do. I learned how to fly fish, how to build a house, how to install a septic system, install a well, lift a house and but a basement under it and so many other things. Of all the skills he taught me, the most important one was the ability to figure things out and get it done.
As a tribute to my Dad and his DIY attitude I decided to install my Dad’s gravestone myself. I think I must have been the first client the store had that bought a gravestone to go!
I took some time to think back on his life today and shared a Molson Ex with him one more time. Cheers Dad!
Gravestone, aggregate and tools all loaded up.
Ready to start the installation.
Important note. This installation needs Molson Ex!
The base is in.
Positioned and in place.
Half a Molson Ex for me and half for Dad!